Thursday, September 17, 2009

What do you want to hear about?

As I go through these reflections, I'm writing on topics that were interesting to me, or that I think people who haven't traveled to Chile and/or South America would be interested in. If you have a suggestion, or something you're curious about, let me know and I'll write a response on it.


  1. I'm enjoying your blog. I clicked here from the NCLRC site. Congrats on a great experience and sharing it with others so eloquently.

    I teach Spansih community-based learning courses at the University of Illinois, so I am curious to know if you or any of your friends did any volunteer work in Chile as a way to engage with the culture and the people on a different level. (If you already wrote about this and I just didn't scroll down far enough, I apologize!)


  2. Hi Ann,

    Thanks for your interest! While I was in Chile I did do some volunteer work teaching English - the Chilean Ministry of Education has a great program called English Opens Doors, where they recruit native English speakers studying abroad to help teach English in public schools. I wrote about my experience in May; the entries are and If you're interested in hearing more, I'd love an excuse to write about it again.
